Give Customers A Clear Reason To Choose You Over All The Other Agents
The one thing all customers are seeking more than anything else is a buying preference—a reason to choose one house over another, one agent over another. When it comes to the house itself, there may be many determining factors: renovated kitchen, open floor plan,...
Create Compelling Offers That Motivate People To Buy Now Rather Than Later
Here’s the deal: there are a lot of people out there, in the neighborhoods you already work in, who would like to buy or sell their home. But then why aren’t they beating down your door with listing appointments? That’s because...
Position Yourself As A Supporter Of People And The Community
Most real estate agents appear to be about one thing—selling houses. Nothing wrong with that, but that position does not inspire very much excitement or loyalty among customers. And because that’s a service all agents can provide, it doesn’t do much to help you stand...